South Carolina Public Interest Foundation
Securing Governmental Compliance with the Law
Advancing Governmental Transparency
Maintaining the Integrity of SC Government

History of SCPIF

In 1997 Edward D. “Ned” Sloan, a native of Greenville and a retired paving contractor, began his personal quest to help ensure that South Carolina politicians remained true to the state’s Constitution and laws. He founded SCPIF in 2005 as a vehicle to help fund his litigation activities, and to ensure that his legacy lives on after him.


South Carolina Public Interest Foundation conducts educational and other activities, consisting principally of the initiation, prosecution and funding of litigation aimed at preserving and enhancing good government in South Carolina. To date SCPIF has been a plaintiff in over 100 lawsuits.

Submit a Case

SCPIF is always alert to instances of governmental illegality, and we welcome information from supporters, citizens, and reporters, as well as from government officials, employees, or contractors, which can identify potential cases for SCPIF to pursue. If you have any such information please contact us.

South Carolina Public Interest Foundation (SCPIF) is an independent, non-partisan private operating foundation dedicated to ensuring that South Carolina governments, agencies and officials act in strict compliance with the state Constitution and statutes. To that end, it initiates, funds and participates in strategic, principled litigation to secure governmental compliance with the law.

SCPIF’s main objectives are to defend South Carolina’s Constitution against violation by state and local governments; to deter their breach of state statutes; to ensure that tax monies are expended in compliance with the law; and in general to promote governmental adherence to the rule of law.

Since its formation in 2005 SCPIF has been a plaintiff in more than 100 lawsuits seeking to force governments and their officers to comply with their legal duties. It has prevailed in many of them, and in others it has been the direct cause of corrective legislation or changed policies and practices. SCPIF lawsuits have been instrumental in establishing and expanding the rights of citizens to sue their governments (issues of “standing”), advancing the cause of governmental transparency (“Freedom of Information”) and limiting governmental overreach. It is the only entity in this state dedicated to using the courts to constrain the actions of government.

SCPIF is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to it are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. It has no paid staff; all of its revenues go to support its litigation and educational activities.